Ep 078: The Future of Profitability in Restoration w/ Kameron and Rocky Hensley
Want to get commercial water projects or even just a few more residential leads but you're allergic to TPAs and program work? Does adding another business sound like a nightmare of additional responsibility and markets to master and market? You need to find out about how 1-Tom-Plumber might just be the bolt-on your business needs. In this episode, Rico is joined by special guests Kameron and Rocky Hensley from 1-Tom-Plumber. They discuss the incredible success of their franchises and how they've added 18 new franchises in less than a year. The franchise owners are recovering their investments typically in only 12 months, and the business model accounted for an additional $2.4 Million in revenue for one of their owners all without adding any headaches to an already busy business owner. Join us as we dive into the world of franchise ownership and learn how to achieve success like 1-Tom-Plumber. Don't miss this exciting episode!
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Find our Guest
Website: https://1tpfranchise.com/
Phone Number: 513-478-3300
Business Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/1tomplumberglobal/
Business Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/1tomplumber/?hl=en
Business Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/1tomplumber-franchisehq
Personal LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kameron-hensley-3413a9142/
Personal Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kameron.hensley.18/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDKFmCIDL4lDmiJ64RPkT6w
Your Guest's Personal Bio
After 15 years in the restoration business, Rocky saw his profits decline year over year, due to a dependency on TPAs. He knew that he needed more commercial water damage but getting that business is difficult. Seeking a better way Kameron and Rocky teamed up to create a plumbing company designed to seamlessly bolt on to their restoration business, in order to generate more commercial water damage. After a few years of learning and evolving 1-Tom-Plumber far exceeded their expectations. They had built a commercial water damage generating machine. Now, they use their proven track record along with an easy to follow system in order to help others start a 1-Tom-Plumber of their own.
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