Ep 064: Changing With The Times W/ Michelle Blevins
How do you feel about women in the industry? What about millennials or Gen Zers? How important is salary to you when looking for a job? Do you trust that these big data companies that are buying out the tech companies whose products and services you use daily in your business are going to keep your sensitive data safe? Episode 064 of the Restoration Domination Podcast with your Host Rico Garcia Jr and Special Guest Michelle Blevins of C&R Magazine explore all of these questions and more in the most controversial episode we've had to date!
What We Talk About
Biggest Takeaways
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Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michelle-blevins-821bab22/
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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/CRMagazine1
Email: michelle@candrmagazine.com
Your Guest's Personal Bio
Michelle Blevins is a content creator, marketing consultant, and entrepreneur whose career has been centered around education and fostering relationships within the industry she serves. A journalist by trade, Michelle is passionate about running a publication rooted in integrity and valuable education. She views her role as owner and publisher of C&R Magazine as a bridge between industry experts and restoration and cleaning contractors. Since joining the restoration industry, Michelle has made it her business to stay on top of the latest industry trends. She has become a go-to resource for anyone looking to learn more about what’s happening within today’s restoration industry. This has earned her a spot on many industry stages facilitating panels and helpful discussion with industry experts on the biggest topics facing restorers and cleaners in the current market.
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